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Hi there! The Journey Begins!!! Welcome…

This blog is a window where we express our minds through words. A blog by highly introverted individuals, who are very similar but opposites. We usually write about matters of the mind, heart and soul. Our writings are often our expressions of the world, the people and all things related. Read more about us.

Causes we care about include animal welfare, education, self love, self care, mental and emotional well-being, arts and culture. We write poetry, prose, journalistic essays, motivational & self care articles and just matters of the heart.

“The soul should always stay ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”  –  Emily Dickinson

We didn’t even want to change the stock image for this post just simply because it just goes so well with what we wish to achieve. This blog is not just a gateway to put our minds out in the form of words, but mainly to touch as many people as we can with it. We both love to write about things, experiences, life, coffee, designing stuff (speaking of which, how do you like the logo?). But importantly, we wish to share what we have learned from our individual experiences as well as all the times we’ve been through together. We want to show people that it is absolutely possible to fight ourselves out of overwhelmingly difficult situations, and emerge victorious and stronger out of them. This is where the “Pass it on” message resonates.

You can probably expect some deep philosophical and psychological write-ups, motivation and support, something about the world and the people, lifestyles, short stories, prose poetry, and maybe more. But the bottom line will always be spreading thoughtfulness and mindfulness as much as we can. Being introverts, we have pretty much being used to these traits, but also from the fact that we are two opposite personalities, and yet best friends! Opposites attract? Undoubtedly yes!

So welcome once again. Join us on this journey and make all the more worthwhile together. Yes! You read that right, together. Because we’ve been thinking of collaborating with other writers as well to feature some new talent (like us), and we’ll also be grateful for any inputs about what would you all like to read. So do not hesitate to drop comments or messages. We would love to hear from you!

And we also didn’t change this picture from the template because we love sunsets and good quotes! Happy reading y’all!!

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.”  –  Izaak Walton
